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            Tonghua Pesticide Chemical Stock Co., Ltd.
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            Crude Drug series 
            Insecticide Reagent series 
            Bactericide series 
            seed treatment dry powder series 
            Herbicide series 
            health insecticide series 
            10% high efficient cypermethrin suspending agent


            Products Introduction:
               10%high efficient cypermethrin suspending agent is a kind of high efficient, broad spectrum的 pyrethroid series insecticide,special developed for the controlling of health pests,the environment protective effect is great. is a kind of high efficient, broad spectrum pyrethroid .

            1. The reagent is latest and the effect is excellent. 2. It is fast to kill the bugs and the effect can last for a long time. 3. It is convenient to use and it is easy to mix with water and the mixture is tasteless without residues.
            4. without blocking the mouth of the container. 5.Great stability,Under25℃, it can be stored at least 2 years. 6. For the mammals, it is low toxicity.

            Usage method:

            10%high efficient cypermethrin suspending agent is a kind of high killing rate rested spraying insecticide. The realize of the effect are through contact killing staying use and it shows that, 10%high efficient cypermethrin suspending agent has two ways:First, through spraying, and the other way is to enter the inside of the insects. 10%high efficient cypermethrin suspending agent main features are quickly killing to the insects and the effect can last for long time.
            10%high efficient cypermethrin suspending agent Under sprayed surface,the activity of chlordimeform can be kept and it can prevent the reentering of the insects and the effect period is determined by the following elements: amount, number of the insects, the sorts of sprayed surface and so on as well as temperature, strength of illumination and so on.

            Application scope

            Control object

            dilution ratio


            Advise on usage

            It canbe used for families, business and industry and other public places.

            Bug flea mosquito fly spider wasp ant stupid bug other reptiles

            Absorbing surface (cement/ lime surface and so on)80-100 times

            40-60 milliliter amount/100square meters

            Spray under low pressure for those insects frequent appearing places. The dosage should be 5L of the reagent per 100 square meters. To make sure, it is average on the surface of the treated objects. What is more: the reagent has great effect for those insects always appearing places.


            Non-absorbing surface (ceramic tile / glass surface and so on)40-50 times

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